Grass Seed

Grass Seed

Lawn & Garden

NAMESize (lbs.)Type
Badger Athletic Premium10 lbs, 50 lbsThrives in sun and light shade
Badger Contractor/Professional Sun and Shade Mix10 lbs, 50 lbsThrives in sun and light shade
Badger Shady5 lbs, 10lbs, 50 lbsFor dense shade
Oats50 lbsMixed
Annual Rye
50 lbsMixed
Seed Starter Mulch
50 lbsEnhances germination, Reduces evaporation, No clean-up
Provides weed-free straw alternative, Reduces runoff and If hydroseeding, it is easy loading into hydroseeding tank
TAK Straw Bale

2.5 cubic ft bale covers up to 500 sq. ft.
Processed straw contains a bonding agent and gives straw a tackiness which holds it together. Protects grass seed from heavy washout and windy areas. Speeds up germination & Water less often. Biodegrades, no mess to clean up just leave in place after the seed grows and Safe for pets and children.
Straw Blanket
8′ x 112.5′ and 16′ x 112.5′100% agricultural straw, Degradable thread, Single photodegradable or biodegradable netting. Best for 3:1 slopes or less and low flow channels.